Saturday, December 24, 2011

Lillypad City: The floating city that might be the answer for cities flooded by global warming

Callebaut with designs

Vincent Callebaut, an eco-conscious Belgian designer, proposed this prototype for a floating metropolis he has named Lilypad. These self-contained floating city extensions that could be moved to metropolitan areas losing shoreline due to global warming, to absorb up to 50,000 "climate refugees'. 

Wind, solar and hydropower will most likely supply the energy if the city ever comes to fruition, and one could extrapolate that the diverse plant life on each could help maintain bio-diversity in changing climate conditions.

Concept cars from the future

 Cool future design trends in automobiles

EuroMold 2011 - 3D Printed Concept Lamp!

Print your own flute...or create some entirely new instrument to print

Multi-pipe trumpet concept by Amit Zoran
Seth Hunter tries out a freshly printed flute for acoustic quality.  The flute was printed by  MIT Media Lab researcher Amit Zoran, as he sought to see if human crafting was needed to create a worthy instrument. 3-D printing could allow a wide variety of new instruments to develop, such as the multi-pipe trumpet concept pictured, and digital modeling coupled with the speed and low cost of printing would allow the design to be tweaked without creating expensive custom molds.  Electronic instruments have largely been freed from traditional form and designers have been playing with a range of possibilities in design as in electric violin forms .

New violin forms

Friday, December 9, 2011

She's hot. She's a pop star...and she's imaginary! Vocaloids take center stage

Mirror, mirror on the wall: Interactive mirror could change your morning

Meltdown Violin - playing with vocaliods

....or is that playing as a vocaloid? Man in classic anime form plays a a melody on his electric violin. Surreal, and very much in the grey zone. 
Now, not only are vocaloids passing from the world of imagination and tech to stand in three dimensions in our world, but 'solids" are trying to met them halfway.   
(Be patient. It takes him a moment to start, but it's worth it)

Mercedes Benz under 1000 lb concept car: "Tron" deja-vu?

New violin forms: Classic shape takes unexpected turns

What happens when form is freed from function and violins no longer need a resonant inner chamber? The violin is a perfect example of something that has remained more or less static in design for centuries and is now taking on bold new forms!

Electric violins only need to be able to be held and  played practically and have taut strings that can vibrate when bowed. We've come a long way from simple electrifying of traditional violins. CAD and new materials make for beautiful sleek designs, some with a nod to the traditional form and others pushing the boundaries of what is possible. More and more, design will be driven by aesthetics as functions become more technically based, and beautiful computer-aided design will replace loving hand craftsmanship.