Touch screen cadaver for a virtual dissection table
Jack Choi, founder of Anatomage, demonstrates a powerful tool for training medical students, many of whom don't have access to cadavers for first-hand experience: a stretcher-sized multi-touch screen of the human body that lets you explore, dissect and understand the body's parts and systems.
“If these images are uncomfortable to you or disturbing to you, that means we did the right job.” -Choi
Easily visible nerves and tumors
In a reversal of Jack Choi's concept of creating an anatomical model that looks more like a real body, Dr. Quyen T. Nguyen instead uses tech to create a surgical experience with the body appearing more like anatomy illustrations, where nerves and tumors are color-coded (and luminescent!) to the naked eye, for easy recognition and better surgical outcomes.
For instance a real estate office with a Mulit-Touch table can invite customers and new homebuyers to experience a new and non-confrontational way to shop for property, houses and or rental properties.
For instance a real estate office with a Mulit-Touch table can invite customers and new homebuyers to experience a new and non-confrontational way to shop for property, houses and or rental properties.